© Brisbane Catholic Education, Marymount College (2025)
Years 11 & 12 at Marymount College
While most students entering Year 11 do not have definite occupational goals, they should at least have clear ideas of their abilities and interests and realistic ambitions. The senior years can be a rewarding and useful experience if the student has a determined attitude to study and attainable goals and alternatives. It is important to enter Year 11 with an appropriate subject choice, a positive study plan and sound advice. While the work in Year 11 will be more difficult, the rewards for consistent, regular study should be adequate compensation. Achieving a Senior Statement and QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education) can lead to increased educational and career opportunities and gain in personal and social development. It is a credential that senior students will receive upon meeting the requirements.
The overall responsibility for the curriculum in Years 11 and 12 rests with the Assistant Principal – Senior Curriculum. Specific subject areas are administered by Academic Coordinators and they should be approached on matters related to particular subjects.
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